Now is the time to surrender your fears.

Join us for an informational session about our upcoming retreats in Costa Rica

You are absolutely correct, the life you're living now is not how you are supposed to be living.

Allow the scales to fall from your eyes so you can see and experience the truth.

Let go of the systems and structures that keep you from experiencing and living out the song of your heart's deepest desire.

You don't have to do this journey alone.

When I arrived in Costa Rica, my life changed.

I began to feel alive again in a way I have never felt before.

My body deeply relaxed, and everything that I knew to be true about life, creating a business, and having true freedom changed.

I stopped running away from me.

I stopped living in fear.

I let go of worry.

I relaxed.

I could breathe again.

I opened this door into complete freedom. Freedom to live my life in a way that truly honors my time here, waking up so happy that I could feel joy in my toes.

I healed.

Suddenly, I had access and deep clarity to business "secrets" that have given me the confidence to trust in my natural ability to create.

I am still in awe and in gratitude of the simplicity of this process.

I am now inviting others into this space that will invite you to feel alive again.

To be alive is one of the greatest gifts you can discover - within aliveness is everything you desire.

I'll be hosting two retreats from Costa Rica one in 2024 and another in the early 2025.

These retreats are an invitation to experience the miracle of being alive that we often miss.

We walk on this planet, yet many of us are not experiencing the miracle of being here and everything that is available to us now.

These retreats will be an immersive experience.

Come find out what Costa Rica can contribute to your journey to being alive.

Join Our Informational Session

This is a REPLAY information session.

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September 6, 2024
1:21pm Eastern Time

Register today for the replay link

Come find out how being in Costa Rica can contribute to you becoming free!

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